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Pathways Community HUB Institute® re-certified as a CHW training program in Ohio

Writer's picture: PCHIPCHI

The Ohio Board of Nursing has recertified the Pathways Community HUB Institute’s Community Health Worker Training Program for another two years, through 2024. The PCHI® CHW program is one of 17 approved training programs in the state.

PCHI’s CHW training is specifically designed around implementing the PCHI® Model. Experienced instructors teach essential care coordination skills including the PCHI Model itself (21 Pathways, Visit and Progress Forms, research-based learning modules, etc.); history and roles of CHWs; communication and interpersonal skills; relationship building; problem solving skills; outreach, service coordination and navigation skills; and all other areas set by the Ohio Board of Nursing.

“Congratulations to our great team of Ohio PCHI Certified CHW instructors for their leadership and expertise. CHWs are central to care coordination and to the PCHI Model. They are the front line in assisting under-resourced residents and connecting them to health and social services that will lead to them living a more healthy and stable life,” said Jan Ruma, president and CEO, PCHI.

PCHI Founder Sarah Redding, MD, MPH and Director of Education, Anne Seifert MEd were the developers and program instructors of the first CHW program approved by the Ohio Board of Nursing in 2005. The PCHI CHW Training program began in 2018.


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