PCHI® is excited to announce it has received a generous $50,000 grant from the Anonymous Donor Advised Fund at the Greater Toledo Community Foundation. This grant award is in recognition and appreciation of the dedication and hard work of three exceptional individuals and entities:
the late Dr. Elizabeth (Libby) Ruppert, long time Toledo-area pediatrician and advocate for children and families;
Ms. Billie Johnson, Past President and CEO, Northwest Ohio Area Office on Aging;
Principle Business Enterprises, a family-owned business for over 60 years in Wood County, focused on designing, developing and manufacturing high-performance absorbent and footwear safety products targeting older adults.
The grant – awarded in recognition and appreciation of their commitment to enriching the lives of so many in the NW Ohio community, especially those who are underserved and economically disadvantaged - will be used to create greater awareness of the PCHI Model and increase its adoption in communities across the U.S. The focus will be on demonstrating how the PCHI Model improves health, reduces costs and advances health equity.
NW Ohio was an early adopter of the PCHI Model, establishing the Northwest Ohio Pathways HUB in 2007 as the second region in Ohio to do so. Initially focusing on pregnant women and babies, the Pathways HUB ensures access to care and services, leading to healthier outcomes for both mothers and babies.
Dr. Ruppert played a pivotal role in bringing the PCHI Model to Toledo. Her passion, intellect, and perseverance greatly contributed to the success of the Northwest Ohio Pathways HUB, which is now one of the leading Pathways Community HUBs in the nation.
Like Dr. Ruppert, Billie Johnson has been a tireless advocate for the NW Ohio community, specifically the senior population. Her leadership has advanced the cause of older adults in the region.
Similarly, Principle Business Enterprises has also been steadfast in their commitment to improving the lives of older adults so that they can live more independently.
As such, grant funds have made the PCHI Model Video possible and will allow PCHI to expand its library of learning modules to help community health workers to better address the needs of older adults to remain independent.
The Toledo Community Foundation grant is an investment in our shared future. It is a testament to the power of collaboration and the belief that together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need in our communities.
PCH extends our heartfelt thanks to the Anonymous Donor Advised Fund at the Greater Toledo Community Foundation for its generous support. With their help, we will continue to strive for health equity and access to care and resources for all.